Dear customer, we want to protect you and our engineer from a potential infection by the CoronaVirus, so appointments can only be made if no member of the household is currently showing symptoms of the disease that may be related to the CoronaVirus.If customers are unsure or are currently in quarantine, we ask customers to contact us again after the quarantine has expired in order to make an appointment.

We also advise all our engineers is to call you on route to confirm the above and also on the doorstep before they enter the property and part of that call we also let you know that the engineer will need to be left in the room on his own in alignment to social distancing.

PPE Equipment

All of our engineers have been fully equipped with the following PPE within their vans to ensure that for every visit new PPE is used. 

  • Face Masks
  • Disposable Gloves

General Hygiene 

All engineers also carry alcohol-based hand sanitisers. Our engineers have been briefed about the importance of cleanliness and adhere to the guidance set out by The World Health Organisation which includes:

  • Regularly washing hands
  • Avoiding to touch face and mouth
  • When coughing or sneezing to cover mouth and nose with a tissue or flexed elbow and then to immediately dispose of the tissue into a bin and then wash hands
  • To contact NHS 111 if they have any Covid-19 related symptoms.

Call Screening

When making a booking, our call centre team will need to ask if you or any household member is self-isolating or has been diagnosed with Covid-19. This is to ensure your safety, the safety of our engineers, and to help limit the spread of the virus. If someone in your household is self-isolating we will not attend site until we get the all clear from you.


Most frequent questions and answers

We continuing to provide repairs for our customers nationwide.

  • Our engineers are taking the following precautions to ensure your safety:
  • Engineers will observe the latest Social Distancing Guidelines throughout their visit.
  • Engineers may use additional personal protective equipment whilst carrying out repairs.
  • Please make sure that doors are opened for engineers, so that there is a clear path to your appliance, enabling us to touch as little as possible in your home.
  • You will not have to sign engineer tablets for a normal job completion, instead you may be asked if the engineer can sign on your behalf.
  • If you need to sign a Health & Safety Notice or disclaimer, a paper copy may be used and photographed for evidence.

Yes, you can.

  • You can do so using our website by clicking here or you can call us if you’d prefer.
  • We are following the Government’s advice and will continue to work closely with our dedicated partners so that we can repair your machine in your home.

We’re still offering repairs for all appliances that we cover

localised lockdowns may affect whether our engineers are able to repair our equipment. We always aim to do the right thing and will help customers as much as possible where it is safe to do so. If we’ve been unable to repair your equipment and you have already paid, please call to arrange for a refund.

If you have any concerns or questions, please raise them when you book your appointment or delivery, or when the engineer calls ahead of the visit.

Please also check the Government website for the latest information about which areas are affected by local lockdowns.

In line with advice from the government, we’ve introduced new measures to help keep our customers and engineers safe. Our engineers will take the following steps:

  • Our engineers are taking the following precautions to ensure your safety:
  • Engineers will observe the latest Social Distancing Guidelines throughout their visit.
  • Engineers may use additional personal protective equipment whilst carrying out repairs.
  • Please make sure that doors are opened for engineers, so that there is a clear path to your appliance, enabling us to touch as little as possible in your home.
  • You will not have to sign engineer tablets for a normal job completion, instead you may be asked if the engineer can sign on your behalf.
  • If you need to sign a Health & Safety Notice or disclaimer, a paper copy may be used and photographed for evidence.
  • If you have any concerns or questions, please raise them when you book your appointment or delivery, or when the engineer calls ahead of the visit.

If you are self-isolating because you or a member of your household are experiencing any of the following, an engineer will not be able to attend your home until it is deemed safe to do so:

  • Symptoms of the Coronavirus such as a high temperature or new persistent cough
  • Awaiting test results
  • Diagnosed with the Coronavirus
  • Been in contact with someone with the Coronavirus
  • Recently returned from abroad
  • In these cases, please book a repair when the recommended 2-week self-isolation period due to infection is over.

For the most up to date advice for self-isolating please visit the NHS website

If you are self-isolating or shielding because you are a vulnerable customer, you can still book a repair or replacement. When you do so, please make sure you tell our customer care team that you are a vulnerable customer.

  • Our engineers are taking the following precautions to ensure the safety of our customers:
  • Engineers will observe Social Distancing Guidelines throughout the visit as much as possible.
  • Engineers may use additional personal protective equipment (PPE) whilst carrying out repairs.
  • Please make sure that doors are opened for engineers so there is a clear path to your appliance so that engineers touch as little as possible in your home.
  • You will not have to sign engineer tablets for a normal job completion, instead you may be asked if the engineer can sign on your behalf.
  • If you need to sign a Health & Safety Notice or disclaimer, a paper copy may be used and photographed for evidence.